Few days before ,
I was just taking few photos of the nature in my front yard. One of the photo looked strange. When I zoomed it , some figures were found between the leaves of tree.
In fact , it was the point where two branches of two separate trees were merged into one another. The figures were strange enough to have another thoughtful look at them. It might be a shadow effect as there was a bright morning sunshine. I could not imagine who were they and what were they doing in the leaves . You also give a thoughtful look at them and tell me .

It is very strange . It may be an illusion . It may be what mind thinks sometimes . It may be anything . No one can say anything exactly about it . But if there is something in it , I mean , some fact in it , then what ? It means that there may be something hidden between the leaves . There must be something which we can't see by our eyes . It is something strange . There might be few things which are not visible to us , but they are there . They may be moving from one leave to another, may go ahead towards another branch ....
If there are such creatures unkown to us moving around without we notice them , it is quite dangerous !
We don't know there strengths , intensions , desires and so on. How can we detect such figures between leaves or branches of trees ? How many are they ? What are they doing there ? Can we imagine ? Are they from the
outer world , from an unknown place in the universe ? At present , world has no any information about them . If there is any truth in it, then we have to research about them . We have to be more careful in this regard .