Yes, few Jakimiryance did it too ! They fought with each other before the wide open eyes of Police in the Police Station ! This land is a bit aggressive ! It is there right from the beginning ! The people are in the sea for fishing. The sun heat and the wind both are with them their. They go for fishing even at nights, but the night cold does not cool them down much ! Majority of the people are with hot head. Particularly, the youth are more aggressive ! It was the morning of 08 th November , 2017 . Few young boys got into fight with each other in the village. Later on, two parties went to the Police Station to complain against each other ! But, the intensity and the tension rose to such a level, that both the groups started fighting before the police ! Naturally, the police arrested them after the initial shock !
It was to happen one day ! The jeans follow in the next generation , but there are new colors added now a days ! It is the new background of politics and business ! Every game is played with the cut throat competition as there are ego and money involved to highest extents ! The youth fails to the newly shown dreams, deals and dramas ! The youth unfortunately can't think wisely & practically ! They just follow anybody ! This anybody is always very clever who uses such little brains to his or her benefits ! There will be no real human development in our country unless and until the blind followers stop following the dirty, selfish masterminds !
The entire scene has to go under change. But, in such a village economy , there are two types of distinct people . Good and bad ! Good are many in numbers and bad are small in numbers. But, the bad people never give good ones to do any good ! Bad ones are stronger and united than the good ones ! They are selfish and go to any level to achieve what they want !
It was to happen one day ! The jeans follow in the next generation , but there are new colors added now a days ! It is the new background of politics and business ! Every game is played with the cut throat competition as there are ego and money involved to highest extents ! The youth fails to the newly shown dreams, deals and dramas ! The youth unfortunately can't think wisely & practically ! They just follow anybody ! This anybody is always very clever who uses such little brains to his or her benefits ! There will be no real human development in our country unless and until the blind followers stop following the dirty, selfish masterminds !
The entire scene has to go under change. But, in such a village economy , there are two types of distinct people . Good and bad ! Good are many in numbers and bad are small in numbers. But, the bad people never give good ones to do any good ! Bad ones are stronger and united than the good ones ! They are selfish and go to any level to achieve what they want !