Let me introduce Sanjay, my neighbor. Few months before, he was working as a helper in a ship building plant. The plant is in our village. Only two kilometers away from Sanjay's home. Unfortunately, the plant has been closed due to some problems. The people who create problems, never think of labours like Sanjay. Anyway, now Sanjay is jobless. His nature is such that he is not willing to do any other job at any other place. After his mother and father's death, Sanjay and his younger brother are the only two family members. His brother is also jobless. He had his own rickshaw . Due to hyper acidity he was not able to drive anymore . One day he sold his rickshaw. He still has the hyper acidity.
A critical situation
This is a critical situation . You can't imagine a marriage in this conditions. Sanjay does ! He is in his fifties, he has diabetes, he eats gutkha, he is jobless and illiterate ! I remember , one day in rainy season, his mother forced him to go to school and he quickly jumped in the mud with his school bag ! That was the end of his never started education ! Now, he wants marriage at this stage ! Nobody was there to guide Sanjay in his childhood. He remained as he was. Now he says that his cousins should do his marriage. The cousins say who will look after the jobless family ? So, they avoid to take lead in this matter. Anybody can think like this .
Any helpline ?
Who can say Sanjay few practical words ? Who will make him understand the situation ? Will Sanjay listen to anybody ? The inherited poverty has done its job. It there any helpline which will change Sanjay's unfortune ? If it is there, please inform me !
The Dangarous Don of Jakimirya
From Anil to Don :
He is no more today, but he was here ! Also known as Aanna, he was welknown as Don ! Nobody is sure how this nickname sticked to him and when . Probably, it was first pronounced for him by his co-worker at Bharti shipyard, Miryabundar and it got spreading. It spread in the whole Mirya village. He was not strong , well built or dangerous looking person. He was not tall . In fact, he was short, thin . Nothing was there to call him as don except his style of speaking. He always spoke authoritatively, without looking whether he was right or wrong . There was something in his voice, that appealed .
Jack of all trades ...
Originally, a fine man. He was jack of all trades but master of non! Anyhow, he was very useful for the society doing many tasks. He was good at repairing many instruments, he was famous for his lighting work . He was a good welder, a good fitter . He was very talkative. He got very little school education, but he always tried to teach the others ! He was also good at this .
Two Turning Points :
A turning point came in his life when he became the chairman of Dewulwadi ( one of the divisions of Jakimirya) . His nature to teach the others increased from here . This habit made him popular at his work place too ! One day , strike was called in and he was thrown out of his job alongwith many co-workers . This was another turning point in his life . Being a jobless for a family holder is not a joke ! He tried fishing to earn for his family. There in the deep sea, some other fisherman gave him wine and later on he became fully alcohlic . It ruined him and his family. His wife, his two children got sudden set back in life. It is the trajady of don's life.
The end :
Few days before today , this don of Jakimirya got himself hanged at the backyard of his house . It was frastration which took his life ! He became really dangerous don at the end !