" Tauktae " Cyclone in Jakimirya

 When #Nisarg hit ?

     The last year here we saw Nisarg cyclone . This year we are expecting Totke cyclone at any time making entry in Jakimirya. Jakimirya,  as you know,  is a costal area , the #miryabandar is also near it. Bandar is a Marathi word which means a port. It is a port established in British period.  Hence, #Mirya bandar is one of the oldest port and still a safe one. 

What is #Cyclone Tauktae


          The new cyclone named Tauktae is about to enter in Jakimirya. This is Saturday, the 15th May, 2021. Before two days , the cyclone originated in the Arebian sea and now it is about to enter here, as Jakimirya is on the west costal area of India. The sun has gone behind the clouds and it is almost getting dark in the Summer afternoon at 01.15 pm here. Probably winds and rain will be here vey shortly. In fact, it is raining here. Of course, it rained for hardly four minutes. 

How is #Tauktae doing ?

              Here are some photos : 

It is raining little @ 03.40 p.m.  The Mobile cover shows a thunderstorm...

             Once again it is raining. This time heavily. Now it is 19.15 pm. It started before fifteen minutes. Let's see how many more minutes it last. The electricity is coming and going frequently now for the last hour. There is a cloudclapping and sparking in the sky. 

         The heavyness of the rain lessened a bit after half an hour and now it is slowly raining. Although the cloudclapping and the sparking is still there in the sky. It is almost 8 O' clock in the evening here. 

                The last night was literally calm , slightly raining, breezee. This is the Sunday, 16th May, 2021. Let's see how the second day after the weather develops. 

                      It is 10.30 here in the morning. The winds are blowing, getting speed. The trees are swinging as you can see the latest updates in this video : 

             As yesterday, it started around 3 O'clock today afternoon too. This time it is more effective. The speed of wind increased with rain for the last two consecutive hours. This may be the stronger dose of totke hurricane. 

Where did it move ?

                  It moved towards Gujrat after making heavy losses. Trees were fallen , electricity gone for three days. It took few lives. 

What are the side effects of #Tauktae cyclone  in Jakimirya  ?

      After three days, the #totke cyclone calm down in Jakimirya. However,  the rain and the winds were there through out the night of 18th May, 2021. There were firecrackers and sparking in the sky. Today it is afternoon of the 19th May , 2021. However, the #Arebian sea is still making noises. Winds are still blowing.  

            What next ? 

             Totke has moved off from here . But there is still more to come here. Obviously,  the rainy season is starting from the 25th May, 2021. The possibility of heavy rain, high tides, another storm and as usual the problem of Mirya Bandhara of course alongwith the #corona...to follow in the fate of my lovely wonderland Jakimirya. 
