Delhi Ratnagiri National highway shines in news

 Delhi Ratnagiri National highway is an important road for Jakimirya as it ends at Miryabunder only 2 kms away from Jakimirya. Single entry road to Jakimirya is a part of this National highway ! Here is an article in the Google News, with the heading  "  Villagers want Nagpur-Ratnagiri highway diverted | Kolhapur News - Times of India " . This article is about the obstacle or public unrest in the progress of the making of this National highway. There is also a possibility of similar public protest in Mirya village itself in Ratnagiri Taluka , as the houses will come in the way as an obstacle to the national highway. 

Such type of incidents do happen in the way of progress making. With due consultations and discussions with concerned parties or public , these situations are handled.  Hope the problem at Shiye village will come to an end very soon and the upcoming problem at Mirya village including Jakimirya will be handled smoothly by the concerned authorities,  so that the road can run smoothly!

Here is a link of a video showing the part of the road in Alawa area of Jakimirya village. 

Delhi Ratnagiri National highway
